• client :



    Animation Video


Orange is a global leader in corporate telecommunication services and one of the largest operators of mobile and internet services in Europe and Africa. The Group operates with sales of 42.3 billion euros in 2020 and 142,000 employees worldwide as well as a total customer base of 259 million.

Mobinil is becoming Orange

The Challenge

When the established and prosperous company Mobinil changed its name to Orange, we witnessed one of the most iconic movements in the telecommunication industry.

A grandiose organization that aims to go even bigger, did you think that we wouldn’t be part of such a historical transition? Therefore we accepted the RFP to create an animated video in honor of this transformation. A few weeks later we were contacted to discuss next steps!

The Solution

If our years in the market have taught us anything, it’s that the unrivaled power of storytelling is unmatched and every story needs an adequate narrator. After our research team took a deep dive into Mobinil’s history, we wanted to create a visual story corresponding with its evolution plan and to thank all the employees for their hard work over the years.

Since Mobinil was one of the first operators that connected people together, we reminded viewers of the evolution of mobile phones and how they have been transforming since their very first invention. As for Mobinil, they have been putting a smile on Egyptians faces for almost a decade. So, it was time to highlight every achievement they’ve ever witnessed, since their inception.

We focused on how they constructed a ladder of growth by highlighting the creation of their powerful heritage and history of achievements.

Going all the way from operating from a very small building that only had 5 employees handling 85,000 subscribers back in 1998. All the way to the great Nile Towers as their headquarters, with 6000 employees handling 33.2 million subscriber in 2015.

The Result

Mobinil will always be an important chapter of the telecommunication’s industry story, but Orange is now writing about the future and we can proudly say that our fish stamp is now carved in the latest chapter of the telecommunication industry.